Thursday 5 May 2011

2nd Page Newspaper

This is the 2nd page of my newspaper. I have followed the colour scheme throughout as this helps gain my target audience with Red, White and Blue.

When asking my target audience about copies before this, I shortened the main article and moved the picture to the left and the text underneath the picture. This follows a conventional look of a local newspaper as there are far more adverts on each page and shortened articles. I have decided to follow these conventions as I believe it is far more attractive and once again gives the paper a professional touch.

When looking through local newspapers, I noticed they all have contact details on the 2nd or 3rd page, as it is a local newspaper I believe contact is important so I included it to the left of the page, so that it is easily noticed and does not deter from any of the articles.

I have chosen to separate different articles and pictures with weighted rectangles so that it is clear to read and understand what articles and pictures go with what, and so that the adverts can be seen more clearly.

The page number and details at the top of the age add professionalism to the page and make it easier to understand what page of the newspaper it is. This theme will follow throughout and is conventional of any newspaper.

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